Monday, 3 March 2008

Would you look at that logo!


Nice job Sarah, this is perfect!

A a Facebook hold-out and  definite blog participant, this is awesome. Here's my starting block situation:

I have tonnes of stuff written, pages and pages. Sounds awesome except not a heck of a lot of it is solid stuff and I am definitely missing key sections/info. So I still have a bunch of writing to do.

I have done no field data collection except some participant observation stuff. This is not a crisis because I'll be talking to a couple of people to complement the other research I'm doing rather than surveys or other mega-time consuming stuff.  Still, it'll be nice to finish that off. 

My boyfriend is working the evening shift this week which means so am I, so I'm up late and work late (Hopefully ;-). It's past 11 a.m. and I'm just getting up, so my schedule is totally wonky this week. However, I have an advisor meeting today and so today's goal is to get as much done to minimize embarrassment. Hah!

Generally my plan is to focus on writing just absolute reams of thesis and then mercilessly cutting it down. 

Good luck everybody and don't forget to post your numbers this evening before midnight. 


1 comment:

Claire said...

I agree on the awesome job on the blog site Sarah...but I want credit for the logo! I was the one who stole the rhino pic and added the 'W'. It was hard worl...and I just wanted to make that clear ;).