I'm totally counting stuff written up till today towards today's total. It's a gimme, like a "welcome to nathewrimo" gift from me to me :-)
I had an advisor meeting today and we established that I need to get my buns in gear. I'm glad someone mentioned spacing, as I've been using double spacing. I like 1.5 much better, as it seems like a more reasonable amount on a page without being overwhelming. The writing I have coming up is a little more of the establishing lit reviewy bits, but then really digging into the justification of the whole affair. The why and how that have been brought up already. Jeez, what's with everything having to make sense? ;-)
I have about 35 pages written in some kind of order, but it's not dense...like, there's words on a page but not necessarily the depth and support needed to make it valuable. So, while I continue writing I suspect my page count will be going down simultaneously. Like that exercise thing where you gain weight from muscle even though you are losing fat. So, I suppose I will have to "trim the fat".
I think I will count pages written but not subtract pages trimmed (if that happens, no editing!) in order to avoid demoralizing myself. Plus, progress is progress.
Alright. Good job so far! I'm going to throw a number in the spreadsheet. Remember that the goal is to write 80 pages/have a draft by the end of March. Growth happens in fits and spurts. 5 pages a day is a nice idea but some days will be big days an others lean, and we will succeed!
later alligators
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