Thursday, 20 March 2008

Methods books

Hey ladies,

Wow - the library works quickly. To follow-up with a previous post, I requested some materials that were referenced in the thesis I suggested.

So, I have in my possession now:
  • Research decisions : quantitative and qualitative perspectives / Ted Palys, Chris Atchison.
  • Mail and internet surveys : the tailored design method / Don A. Dillman.
  • Interviewing : strategy, techniques, and tactics / Raymond L. Gorden.
  • Studying elites using qualitative methods / Rosanna Hertz, Jonathan B. Imber, editors.
If you want to use any of these book, I'm going to leave them in my locker for a bit - I can give you the code upon request.

In other news, I managed to get all non-thesis related work done. *phew*

1 comment:

Claire said...

Wow sarah, you rock!! Some of these references look great. I'll definitely want to take a look...probably on Monday. Does that work??