Thursday, 13 March 2008

and so it goes...

Hilarious!...I love how this blog is now used to share our different procrastination methods. This is awesome, and also gives me so many more websites to check before I get to work. So thanks marianne...I'm up to speed on professional dominatrix activities for now...

Writing hasn't really been happening for the last few days, but today I feel it picking up. I'm planning on using the cue card method sarah suggested to organized my lit review. Also, for my methods section I'm wondering how everyone is writing about how their data will be analyzed. Especially for people using qualitative data...what's the analysis method? Any suggestions??

In other news, the St. Paddy's Day breakie is on Sunday, so don't forget to stop by in a green hat, beer in hand. It'll be good craic, I promise!

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