Wednesday 5 March 2008

...and I'm back!

Hahaha....thanks for the laugh Marianne! can find EVERYTHING on the internet!

So, today was definitely more productive than yesterday. I'm eating soup and saltines, which is a giant improvement over nothing and water from yesterday. I spent a good portion of the morning entering the last of my survey data into my excel spreadsheet (yay data entry!). Thanks to Sarah for helping me out with some SPSS stuff...I should be ready to do some fiddling (aka analysis) with my numbers fairly soon.

I also did a bit of writing, but somehow I wrote and delete (bad Claire!!), so I'm still sitting at about 28 pages. I probably wrote about 1-2 pages, so that's not too bad.

In other news, the Gentle Ninja Bears won our last soccer game, so we're off to the playoffs. GO BEARS!!

I'm loving this's great to keep up with everyone...and it's definitely encouraging me to at least accomplish SOMETHING everyday. Thanks guys! :)

1 comment:

Sarah Ivy said...

Sorry I couldn't be more help... though I figured it out in the end - sort of.