Thursday, 13 March 2008


I 'm glad you're feeling better Sarah, headache are the worst because it's really hard to fix/ignore them. I hope you have a good day today as well. 

Tomorrow I'm supposed to hand off some materials to ML for her to read, which is a big deal to me anyways because I know how busy she is. Needless to say, what I've got is not ML worthy an muchof it is still unwritten (Natasha Beddingfield, anyone?). So, today is a keeping-my-head-down kind of day...wish me luck and perseverance!

See you ladies later!

1 comment:

Sarah Ivy said...

Just do the best you can! Don't be too worried to show ML what you've got done.
**I need to take my own advice actually... I've been to embarrassed and nervous to show Ian my Lit review that I think I've procrastinated longer then I usually would have.***

Remember... you're only showing her a draft, and she can only help you improve.

Good luck!