Monday 7 April 2008

weekend review

So, I got some comments back from Ian...and I don't feel horrible!! Yay! Overall, his comments were positive, but if you look through the pages there are A LOT of comments/suggestions/changes to be made. So, there's still a lot of work to be done, but my first three chapters aren't a total "do over". The plan for the next week is to scan through Ian's comments, but generally put them aside for now. I want to write chapter 4, and make my stupid poster for the grad conference on the 21st. Of course, I am also supposed to be a presenter at a conference in Oakville that morning, so I'm still hoping to make it back in time for the poster judging (I want that iPod!!).

Otherwise, the weekend was good...although not really school-productive. Agustin and I rode our bikes out to Elmira for the maple syrup festival...which was soooooo satisfying because we got to wiz by all the people stuck in the traffic jam. Marianne's b-day dinner was also lovely, although I was completely tired by 10pm. Also....yay me...I learned how to do basic HTML coding for websites. Agustin is really into this, and I learned how to do basic web design. You'll all get to see my work soon enough, as our website will be launching at the end of the month!

Last but not least, I finally got to experience funk night with DJ Charless....and it was definitely as fun as promised.

So, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend enjoying the spring weather, and we'll chat soon!

1 comment:

Sarah Ivy said...

Claire your a rockstar! I'm glad that your review from Ian was positive ;) I knew it would be. Great work!