Friday, 4 April 2008

Nathewrima? Nathewrinep?

So, based on Sarah's input I've revamped the Nathewrimo page, deleted the page tracker spreadsheet, and gotten rid of the rules. We've never really been "rules" girls anyways, right??

Anyways, Nathewrimo is now in it's second month so it's maybe more appropriate to call it the National THesis WRIting MArathon (or maybe closer to how we are feel...NAtional THesis WRiting NeverEnding Process). Anyways, hopefully we all continue to work hard and as my wise thesis advisor suggested lets "just get the damn thing done!"

1 comment:

Claire said...

hmmmm....probably should have had some in text citations there...insert (Rowlands, 2008) perhaps??