Wednesday 23 April 2008

Presentation day!

Yesterday was a busy day. I make 2 presentations in 6 months, and of course they both were yesterday. In the morning I was in Oakville for the Eco-Innovation conference hosted by T.A. Blakelock. It was actually super fun, although I was nervous to speak in front of a bunch of 15 and 16 year olds. Anyways, I gave two talks to groups of about 40, and it went really well! I brought chocolate, and anyone who answered any questions got candy, so people actually participated ;). I got a swag-bag, which was also all in all it was a great experience!

After the high school conference, I raced back to campus for my "poster judging". The judge was a biology prof, and at least 80% of the people presenting were biology students. I have a feeling that i didn't win the iPOD...but it was a good practice run for poster presentations.

Anyways...after my brief break from writing, it's time to get back to it. I'm still aiming to have a draft by the end of Nathewrimo month #3 is almost getting going!

Talk soon!

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