Monday, 7 April 2008

Happy Monday

So, I didn't get that much work done this weekend, but that's ok ;)
I had a really good weekend. I had brunch with friends, took in the spring weather, had a visit with my parents. And, Pete and I reorganized my living room with 'new hand-me-down' furniture from my parents (and we did that without arguing!!! what a change!)

I did mange to find some really good articles about mix-methods research, which I'm now reading and summarizing. These articles will come in handy to help justify my mixed(-up)-methods.

I'm still waiting to hear back from the OPA. I don't know what I'm going to do... I'm scheduled to start with the City of Guelph next Monday... so I don't feel like I have enough time to give them fair warning if I decline their offer. There seems to be pros and cons to both positions. The OPA position starts later, pays more.. but the commute will be hectic. The Guelph job pays less but has less responsibilities and virtually no commute. I may just take the Guelph job now, and return to job hunting with the OPA at the end of the summer.

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