Wednesday, 7 May 2008

I'm an expert juggler...

So, I've been feeling a lot like a juggler these days...I feel like I have a lot of different things on the go, and finding the time/energy to do everything has been a challenge. Also, simply REMEMBERING what the heck need to get done has forced me into making lists and keeping a calendar. Anyways, here are a select few of the things I have going on
1. Preping for the OCE Discovery Conference. I'm setting up the booth, and preping for an oral presentation.
2. Planning for the World Wind Energy Conference - I finally heard back, and now I'm slated for an ORAL presentation. Scary! I also have to write a paper to be published in the conference May 20. Yikes.
3. Figuring out how to analyze my stats
4. Listening and taking notes on my interviews, and documenting some of those results.
5. Wedding planning (not too stressful, but it is on my mind)
6. Applying for a couple cool jobs that have come across my desk.
7. oh yeah....and freaking writing my thesis.

There seems to be about a million more nit picky tasks that I've been taking care of, and so far, I haven't dropped any balls. This is just a taste of what's to come this summer, I think...but I'm happy to be crossing things off my list, one by one.

In other news, Karen's back! Exciting stuff...and...where the hell did 10 months go?!?

Keep on truckin!

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