Thursday 22 May 2008

...32 days

I felt like I had a pretty productive day yesterday. I went through the first three chapters, and did some editing based on Ian's comments. I feel like the methodology chapter is good to go, but I'm somehow not 100% happy with the intro and the lit review. It's getting there though, so I guess that's all I can ask for.

I'm pulling the late shift with Marianne tonight, so hopefully today will be another productive day. I made a list of small task that need to be completed for my thesis (thanks for the suggestions Lynz!), and it's nice to cross them off one by one. Today, I'm working on the discussion for chapter 4. Hopefully I'll be able to finish that today, meaning that tomorrow I can move on to the results chapter. I'm up to 55 pages...which means I've only managed 2 pages since the last time I wrote, but I feel like some good editing happened as well.

I'll check in tomorrow to see how things panned out...good luck everyone!

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